Matrix Box Overview Video

Simplify your hardware setup with Matrix Box
Product Portfolio
Rack Mount Version
Number of Card Slots - 17
Number of Internal Buses - 4
Power Input - 85-264 VAC
Communication Connection - Ethernet/RS-232
Dimensions - Standard 19" 3U Rack
Features - Integrated 16I/16O interface, Internal DMM, Internal 5V/5A, 24V/1.1A, and 48V/1.6A power supplies

Compatible Cards
Device Multiplex Card
Available Channels - 4
2 External Connections for power supplies
Dedicated SENS/MEAS/I-MEAS for external multimeter
Low-Current/Low-Voltage Matrix Card
Number of test points - 32
Rating - 50V/500mA
High-Current/Mid-Voltage Matrix Card
Number of test points - 16
Rating - 250V/5A
Digital Input/Output Cards
Number of inputs - 64
Rating - 50V/2.1A
BUS Extensions Card
To interconnect two MX2400 racks to work together as one device

Compact version
Number of Card Slots - 3
Number of Internal Buses - 1
Power Input - 5V DC
Communication Connection - USB
Dimensions - 55x104x223 (mm)
Compatible Cards
Low-Current/Low-Voltage Matrix Card
Number of test points - 25
Rating - 50V/500mA
Digital Input Card
Number of inputs - 60
Rating - 30V
Digital Output Card
Number of Outputs - 60
Rating - 30V/2A per channel.

High Voltage/Current Version
Number of Card Slots - 6
Number of Internal Buses - 1
Power Input - 85-264 VAC
Communication Connection - Ethernet
Dimensions - Standard 19" 3U Rack
Features - Integrated 16I/16O interface

Compatible Cards
High Voltage Matrix Card
Number of test points - 10
Rating - 10kVDC/7kV AC, 3A
High Voltage Current
Number of test points - 10
Rating - 50A/50V

Test Article Connection
Control hundreds of test points with one simple commands from Funtest to test your product for any scenario
Test Equipment Connection
Connect up to 4 measuring test equipment + 2 external power supplies to the 4 internal buses to route the signals to your test article
Matrix Box Example Schematics

Save cost on test equipment while increasing the number of channels
Every Test Equipment/DAQ Hardware has a limited number of measurement channels
Having separate test equipment for each channel or device is cost prohibitive
With Matrix Box, you can connect a single piece of test equipment to multiple channels, allowing you to test more without needing extra equipment.
Save money by reducing the number of expensive test devices you need to purchase
It's like having a smart connector that lets you test multiple devices at once, making testing more cost-effective and efficient.

Expand your test equipment capabilites
Connect your test equipment to hundreds of test points without any manual action required
Keep your existing test equipment by simply integrating a matrix box between your test equipment and the test article
Modular Design allows for any number of test equipment or test points through card slot design
Integrated Features
Up to 4 independent buses allow interconnecting test equipment with your test article through independent paths
FunTest Integration - select any test point with a single command
DMM and probe for basic measurement or if manual measurement is needed
Digital Inputs and Outputs to control your test setup
Power Supplies - 5V/5A, 24V/1.1A, and 48V/1.6A

Switching System
Hundreds of connections
Digital I/O
Easy Test Setup Control
Modular Design
Chassis and Card System
High Voltage
Up to 10 kV
Create Dynamic Test Setups With Ease
Four 2-wire buses provide incredible flexibility in creating connections between test equipment and the device under test.
These buses act like versatile pathways, allowing you to establish any desired interconnection between your test equipment and the devices being tested.
Easily configure and adapt the connections without the need for additional complex hardware.
It's like having a customizable bridge that seamlessly connects your test equipment to the devices, giving you the freedom to set up various testing scenarios with ease and efficiency.

How Does It Work?
See how you can use Matrix Box to create an automated test setup without the need for expensive DAQ hardware.
The test setup is able to perform 4-wire measurements on dozens of test points and distribute power & communication to DUT.
All of this is accomplished by using only two types of cards inserted into the Matrix Box chassis
Connect Your Test Equipment
Connection any data acquisition system to MX2400 2-wire buses with a single card
In the example below the card is used to:
Connect LIN communication to one of the 2-wire buses
Connect digital multimeter to two 2-wire buses for 4-wire measurements
Connect DC power supply to the remaining available bus
Connect Your Device Under Test (DUT)
Connect up to hundreds of your DUT connections to MX2400 2-wire buses
In the example below 3 Test Point cards are used:
Left: This card is used to scan connections on DUT to enable 4-wire measurement using DMM
Middle: This card is used to distribute the DC power to DUT. Every connection can be controlled individually.
Right: This card is used to distribute the LIN communication. Every connection can be controlled individually

To simplify hardware integration even further Matrix Box offers digital I/O
Send signals to control external switches or signal lights
Detect signals (physical buttons, interlocks) to allow the operator to control the test setup
Matrix box chassis has built-in 16 Digital I/O. Add I/Os by inserting additional cards
Control Your Test Setup

Intuitive Software Integration
Chassis Selection Guide

Test station for PCB testing
Connecting multiple test equipment
Main Features
Number of Card Slots - 17
Number of Internal Buses - 4
Communication Interface - Ethernet/RS-232
Dimensions - Standard 19" 3U Rack
Built-in Features - Integrated 16I/16O interface, Internal DMM, Internal 5V/5A, 24V/1.1A, and 48V/1.6A power supplies
Card Selection Guide

MX2400 Chassis
MX2400 Chassis includes 4 distribution buses
By inserting Matrix Box Cards you can interconnect test equipment and test article
Below typically used cards are shown

Test Equipment Connection Cards
Connect Test Equipment to MX2400 Distribution Buses
4x Channels for Test Equipment
Dedicated DMM Channel - 4-wire and current measurements
2x Power supply Channel - internal switch and built-in current measurement

Test Point Connection Cards
Connect Test Points on your test article to MX2400 Distribution Buses
Up to 32 Test Points per card
Diagnostics functionality, which can identify permanently shorted or open any TP relay
2 Versions - 500mA/50V and 5A/50V rating per relay

Digital Input/Ouput
Combined 64 inputs/outputs
5-50V inputs
1A/50V open-collector outputs